~*~ Fairy Dance ~ Peter Pan Soundtrack ~*~

Magical Days


She sat resting on a faerie stool that by a woodland violet grew
In communion with a dragonfly who said magic will prevail
The soft breeze danced with a laughing brook of crystal blue
And butterflies played in bluebells that swayed beside the trail


The sun smiled down on the watercolor day from the blue topaz sky
Warming verdant grass and majestic trees in gentle valleys below
And the quiet beings of the woodland watched the sun go drifting by
And the earth felt her healing warmth, and love that did from her flow


In the unicorn’s mystic forest, where none can e’er be harmed
Where sprites and wood nymphs play, and the dragon suns by the lake
Centaurs stroll on soft mossy paths, all here lead a life that is charmed
And the banshee holds no sway, so here she does forsake


Elvin kind hold rainbow faires to celebrate warm love filled days
Changelings find a welcoming place filled with hope and love
The griffins and the chimaeras are allowed a space to play
And the phoenix and the pegasus can share the skies above


And so she passed a joy filled day taking in the wonder
The sun drifted off to other lands, the silver moon did arise
And her heart and soul content, she surrendered to sweet slumber
And in dreams re-lived all she found ‘neath a violet colored sky

© Candace 7/21/09


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