The Gifts Of An Open Heart

Random thoughts.
No real direction here I guess –
just morning musings.
How often we miss out
because we won't leave our heart open –
because only an open heart
can see the real person
with the differences and subtleties
that make them unique.
How often we apply to one
what has worked with another
and not seen the pain it causes,
how often we forget to see the beauty
in what makes one unique.
Can you see how much more light
those differences give our world
and embrace them?
Is it worth your time to take a few moments?
Or are you in too much of a rush –
so try to have a few convenient categories,
and in placing others so, you miss those nuances,
hurting them and depriving yourselves
of the variety that makes this life so beautiful?
Or does this world even care anymore?

© Candace 2/19/06


May our hearts be open always to the possibilities


Photos are from email from friends and edited for this page