It was a beautiful warm day - perfect to walk on the old farmlands - but this day was marked by an event both wonderful and sad . Happy because it brought the joy and love of 2 wonderful puppies into a family, sad because someone had abandoned 2 helpless puppies on the old farm. These puppies were some of the lucky ones, unlike so many so cruely dumped each year they were found and did not die abandoned and alone. It would be wonderful to say it was a happily ever after story but sadly it was not to be. The puppies new "daddy" chose not to spay / neuter or get shots. Soon there was a new litter. These were not abandoned but sadly at the age of 7 months they were exposed to Parvo. Papa Blue and 4 puppies died. Around the same time it became clear that Momma Cinnamon was expecting again. The 2 surviving pups from the 1st litter and 7 surviving puppies from the 2nd litter and Cinnamon all have now had their shots and will be spayed or neutered - they need only loving forever homes.
7/31/06 - it is with a heavy heart i report this - These 8 puppies (and their sweet momma and little brother that my Daughter had intended to keep) commited only one fault - they were caught in the middle of an ugly divorce. My daughter's estranged husband moved into the family home (with his girlfriend) before she had secured a new place to stay - so he said the pets would be cared for there until she could make arrangements. - That was Saturday 7/15/06 - Monday 7/17/06 the girlfriend signed all 10 puppers over to animal control to be PTS - he told her 7/28 he had rehomed all 10 and even went so far as to tell her that had her 2 had been lucky enough he had found them a home together. They were all innocent victims. I am so sorry little ones. Rest in peace - no one can ever hurt you again.


Jasmine - shy but friendly ~ female ~ BORN 12/17/05

Ginger - scared of sudden movements - friendly ~ female ~ BORN 12/17/05

Tom-Tom - Loves men, friendly, likes to lick you ~ male ~ BORN 12/17/05

Scooby - the runt, shies away from other dogs, loves people and to be held and petted ~ male ~ BORN 12/17/05

Lexis - loves to run and jump, likes to be held ~ female ~ BORN 12/17/05

Buzz ~ male ~ BORN 12/17/05

Blossom ~ female ~ BORN 12/17/05


~*~~*~We have found Our Forever Home~*~~*~

~*~~*~ These two were Melissa's and she hoped to very soon be picking them back up to take to their new home ~*~~*~




I had to leave them. I wanted so badly to stay
My Cinnimon needed her Blue to help with our girls and boys.
When the angels came they said you have to go away.
No time to stay and see your babies life of joys.

My heart broke as i slipped away from those i love
And when they brought some of our babes to me they were missing their Mom
My eyes filled with tears as we watched her from so far above.
We wanted to be with her and the other babies but we couldn't go back home.

So from the loving heart of a Dad who can't be with those he loves so much.
Please take them into your heart and give them all your love.
They need someone to care for them and help them grow and feel a gentle touch.
I will watch over those who take my babies from Rainbow bridge above.

(c) Aurichwolf

Our Angels' Page

Rose's Page

Homecoming ~ The Final Chapter