A Season

We paced this path together for a while
Good companions holding to each other,
Sharing laughter, tears, and companionship,
Each with lessons to share and discover

There were times when we needed support
There were times we supported the other
To be there to depend on, to accept hand
Was the lesson to share and discover

When we felt joy then shared and it doubled
And that joy made the dayfor the other
That a blessing multiplies when it is shared
Was the lesson to share and discover

And when sorrows that clouded our hearts
Were halved when we shared with the other
That a sorrow divides when it is shared
Was the lesson to share and discover

We shared the lessons each of us had
Till one day our paths each left the other
That our journey had been for a season
Was the lesson to share and discover

(c) Candace

In a blink of an eye a single path becomes two,
a friend gradually becomes distant,
an activity we thought would last forever draws to a close.
It seems tragic, unfair, painful - yet in reality it is merely the end of a season.
Each lesson has been learned and,
like a beautiful waltz that ends as the music fades, the season has drawn to a close.
Some of our seasons will be shorter - others longer, but they share that they are finite -
when the lessons have been shared and learned the season will end.


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