We start our journey in the Silvery Dawn of Beginnings
traveling toward the Golden Sunset of Understanding.

(c) Candace



In the mists of the morning my heart reaches out
Lost in the gray fog a silent cry of sadness and pain
From across time and distance I will be answered
The touch of a kindred heart reaching to answer me

For those of kindred spirit there is no distance
Touch is of the mind, the spirit, and the heart
And even never met see what they’ve never seen
So it is, souls that have never touched are linked

So as it has always been, seeing not with eyes
Seeing not what is seen but see what truly is
Touching not with hands but with the heart
Hearing not with our ears but with our souls

And when truly met beyond the world most see
In the moment that is a heartbeat and eternity
Kindred spirits meet and touch and answer
And amongst the very stars together they dance

© Candace

Table of Contents


Silver Dawn Pages


Pet Supports


Wolf Pages

I reach out a hesitant hand the web of life to find,
And I know then none are ever truly gone
For she holds all within her silken silver threads
And tells our tales in the wind’s gentle song


Works (visual & text) on the pages of this site
are copyrighted and are my own work except as noted on the pages..
If they help bring you comfort or will comfort another it is asked only that you properly credit the work
and if you use it in your own pages you provide the courtesy of a link to here somewhere in your pages.
May you find peace and tranquility.