And the guardian’s eyes watched over them
And the moon and stars lit their way
And the night magics sang a lullabye
To call the light of the new day
And so they reached out to all those they met
To offer comfort to those they found in pain or need
And they traveled a path unseen by most
A blue winged faerie and a cowboy on his golden steed
i will weave for you from love a shelter from the rain,
and always have for you a hug to hug away the pain,
i'll sing for you a song to let your heart know i am near,
i'll hold you hand, stand at your side to face with you all fear.
i'll hold the dreams you choose to dream safely in my soul,
i'll reach cross space and time to reach a place where i feel whole,
and if time passes by and ne'er our eyes should ever meet,
know that sometimes two inner hearts may yet as one heart beat
In the mists of the morning my heart reaches out
Lost in the gray fog a silent cry of sadness and pain
From across time and distance I will be answered
The touch of a kindred heart reaching to answer me
For those of kindred spirit there is no distance
Touch is of the mind, the spirit, and the heart
And even never met see what they’ve never seen
So it is, souls that have never touched are linked
So as it has always been, seeing not with eyes
Seeing not what is seen but see what truly is
Touching not with hands but with the heart
Hearing not with our ears but with our souls
And when truly met beyond the world most see
In the moment that is a heartbeat and eternity
Kindred spirits meet and touch and answer
And amongst the very stars together they dance